26 Centre Avenue East
Box 2039, Altona, MB, R0G 0B0
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 5PM
Friday: 9AM - 12PM
Weekends - Closed

Staff Emails

 Legal Assistants

Adam Mace - [email protected]


Office Manager

Martha Janzen - [email protected]


Brenda Schroeder - [email protected]

Legal Assistants
Janet Hildebrand - [email protected]
Olivia Klippenstein - [email protected]
Tina Dyck - [email protected]
Milan Falk- [email protected]
Amber Dyck- [email protected]


Our Services

Cole & Mace has been providing a wide range of legal services to the Altona area since 1977. With preferred areas of practice of Real Estate, Estates, Wills, and Corporate & Commercial, Cole & Mace is suited to address a significant number of your needs. In addition to our preferred areas of practice, the lawyers at Cole & Mace can assist you with Family Law, Notary & Commissioner for Oaths, Contract Review, and Leases, among other things. If your area of need is not listed, do not hesitate to contact our office as consultations and referrals are free.

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Our Family

Peter J.E. Cole, Q.C (Retired)

Peter began practicing law in Altona and the surrounding area on January 1, 1977, and retired April 1, 2020. He is a Life Bencher of the Law Society of Manitoba and was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1997.


Adam graduated from Robson Hall, the University of Manitoba's Law School, in 2011 after having obtained an undergraduate Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Political Science from Bishop's University in Lennoxville, Quebec. Adam stays involved in the community through his work on various boards, including the Altona Police Board, Altona Minor Hockey Board and Manitoba Harness Horseman Board. Formerly a coach at WC Miller, he actively serves as a coach for Altona Minor Baseball and Altona Minor Hockey. When not servicing clients, Adam enjoys spending time with his wife and children, golfing and watching hockey.

Martha Janzen

Martha has been working with us since 1985 and currently serves the dual role of Office Manager/Bookkeeper and Legal Assistant for Corporate/Commercial matters. Drawing on her years of legal experience and community involvement Martha is dedicated to building client relationships and providing knowledgeable service to the local area. Outside of the office Martha enjoys playing with her grandchildren, taking family camping trips, hiking, biking and reading.

Janet Hildebrand

Janet has been a Legal Assistant with us since 2005 and focuses primarily on Real Estate matters, including Farmland, Commercial Re-financing and Subdivisions. Her comprehensive knowledge spans from non-resident land deals and navigating lender requirements to land title registrations and title reports. In her spare time Janet can be found outdoors running marathons, kayaking or reading a good book.

Milan Falk

Milan has been a Legal Assistant with us since 2015 and focuses primarily on Real Estate matters, including Commercial transactions and transferring of windmills rights. Milan merges her experience with land titles registrations and document preparation with clear communication within our network of clients, realtors and lenders to provide responsive and reliable service. Outside of the office Milan enjoys spending time with her family and experimenting with various textile arts.

Tina Dyck

Tina has been a legal assistant with us since 2020 and focuses primarily on Estates and Corporate matters. Experienced in the preparation of court and corporate documentation Tina is committed to serving clients with efficiency and professionalism. In her spare time Tina enjoys baking, reading and spending time with her husband and children.

Olivia Klippenstein

Olivia has been a Legal Assistant with us since 2019 and focuses primarily on Real Estate matters, including Residential, Recreational and Commercial purchases and sales. Olivia graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English in 2015 and prioritizes communication and organization to facilitate land deals in a thorough and timely manner. In her spare time Olivia can be found painting, knitting or baking pies.

Brenda Schroeder

Serving as our receptionist since 2023, Brenda performs a variety of administrative duties. She assists with Corporate matters and document preparation relating to Wills, Powers of Attorney and Health Care Directives. When not at the office Brenda enjoys walking and spending time with her family.

Amber Dyck

Joining our team in 2024 as a legal assistant, Amber focuses primarily on real estate matters. She assists with document preparation relating to Re-financing, and Residential and Farmland transactions. Outside of the office Amber enjoys puzzling and building her book and Lego collections.